14th Dec 11
Chicki is a girl with a job programming devices for growth
fast huge instant mpg rc sc science weird
31st Jan 12
fast instant mpg rc sc science weird wow
7th Aug 07
The first seven chapters of the Tim The Enchanter short stories. Tim uses his magical powers to sculpt and shape women to his will. Transformations include breast expansion and women with animal hybrid characteristics. Series continues with Chapter 8 by Twisted Transformer.
ag big cb fast hg hyp instant lac lg magic ment mpg multiple preg shem tg weird
24th Feb 22
Your new girlfriends tits seem to be taking over her mind! Not that your complaining! Dialogue stolen from my life.
bg ag big huge lac magic ment science slow asleep
6th Oct 22
Inspired by true dirty talk, Megan is back and bigger than ever! will her and her friends be able to take back control over her living breasts before they devour her mind??
Part 1 is redone and included here with some new illustraitions. The real Megan hopes you enjoy!
bg ag big huge instant lac ment mpg nc science slow asleep
3rd Jan 23
A quick and dirty frantic expansion. Your goth ex rocks up at your house desperate for your cum! but each load makes her already voluptuous bod larger and larger!
ag fa fast gts huge magic ment
18th Mar 25
Any resemblance to real life people or situations is entirely intentional, Megan. You dumb, lusty, big tiddy bitch. Your brain don't work, you don't fit through doors. You're almost all boob and still screaming for more.
Love Zantar.
big chem fast instant lac ment mpg nc slow wow
18th Mar 25
A chilling vision of things to come caused by magic pen misuse. Holly, your already big, busty gf, is now a bimbo behemoth in a land of giantesses! can you escape her all-crushing boobage??
ag big fa fast gts huge instant lac magic ment mm mpg multiple nc slow
5th Mar 05
A new medical treatment has some serious side effects. Horror.
big bond multiple nc science slow weird
13th Sep 09
Alexis has the weight of the world on her shoulders; she's broke, she's miserable, and she's stuck on a trip with a group of chirpy teens. And while she can't stand them, deep down what bothers her is how easy it is for them to be happy...
big chem fast ment
24th Nov 10
A hard-luck guy goes to a bar to try to get a handle on his problems. Instead, they seem to get a handle on him.
ag big fast magic ment sc tg
11th Nov 02
Caroline trys self improvement through second hand magic on a indescript college campus
gts magic wow
10th Jul 07
Madison is your regular teenager. But one night at a club allow guys' wishes upon her to take shape. This is the beginning chapter of a longer story and my first.
ag big cb hg instant nc
29th Jul 08
Madison continues in her adventure after having to change into a wish by anyone else. Please note, the first part of the story is in this file.
ag big cb hg instant lg nc
1st Jul 00
Man uses hypnotic screensaver to make a woman a horny slut who wants big tits.
bg huge hyp ment nc rc science
17th Nov 99
Candace is captured and transformed into a busty bimbo.
bg fa fast ment nc science
17th Nov 99
Sharon is cajoled into becoming a big-titted bimbo at a beauty salon.
bg fa fast huge ment nc science
22nd Jun 15
My first real foray into writing, I would really appreciate any feedback! I tried to check it for obvious errors.
Be forewarned, in these first few pages there is not a whole lot of BE, and the focus is on a Futa character. More straightup BE will be coming!
ag fast huge lac ment science shem tg
23rd Jun 15
Here's my second pass, this time focusing on our non-futa friend.
I tried to make it a good deal longer before submitting. It still includes the first part as well. I have some more written but didn't want to upload a half finished chapter.
I hope you enjoy it! I also just wanted to take a moment to thank some of my favorite OFB authors for the inspiration to finally write some smut, especially:
Mich, FrigOfFury, Kodos, Cheviot, XXXecil, The Light Fantastic.
ag big cb chem fa fast ment
28th Jun 15
A chapter, about 8 pages, focusing on Isabel and basically all about growth! Still mostly futa-oriented.
We're coming up on some serious BE in the next chapter.
I would appreciate any feedback. If there are any requests too I'd be interested to hear them.
ag chem fast huge lac ment shem
31st Aug 15
The next chapter, we take a recess from our futa friend.
It's a bit truncated at the end, but I wanted to upload it regardless. I started a new job a few months ago and I've had no energy or time to continue writing unfortunately.
So it'll be a long time before I get to work on more, so I should at least share what I've got.
Hope you enjoy, any feedback is great.
ag chem fa fast huge ment
25th Oct 14
Like an idiot I forgot to check if the user name I wanted to use was already used or not. So here are parts I & II again under my correct pen name.
big instant magic
25th Oct 14
A young man with a thing for big breasts meets a witch in an online chat room who magically grows her breasts to impress him. Part 3 of an ongoing series.
big instant magic
14th Dec 14
A young man with a thing for big breasts meets a witch in an online chat room who magically grows her breasts to impress him. The conclusion to an ongoing series.
huge hyp instant magic sc wow
5th Nov 15
A science nerd and a sexy classmate's science fair project trigger a scientific breakthrough that will have unintended consequences later. This is the opening act and a slow burn as far as the actual growth is concerned.
big bond instant lg offstage rc sc science
18th Apr 17
Sorry it took so long to get this here. Time for the transfer part!
bg big bond huge instant mpg nc rc sc science
2nd Jan 07
A development of an idea: something is happening to the teens at Bennington's School for Young Women. Images from Cosmo Girl, Penthouse and Playboy start springing to life, only they don't emerge straight from the pages, but inside the girls who read them. Given the beauty standards of the time, it wasn't that great a leap anyway...
ag big fast hg lg magic ment
16th Nov 12
Em finds out what happens when she doesn't use a breast cream as instructed. Sally, a fugitive hiding in a strip club, stumbles upon Em after her changes and finds out what happens to the women who use the breast cream. She, too, ends up feeling its effects first-hand.
big chem fast hg huge lac ment multiple nc
7th Jan 14
ag chem fast huge
6th Oct 14
Kim and her friend Maya go to a party, where people start changing. But only Kim seems to see. Is she different?
ag big fast hg lac ment
8th Oct 14
Kim wakes up with a ripping hangover, unsure of what happened the night before.
big fast lac lg ment multiple tg
16th Oct 14
Kim arrives home with news of Jake and his twisted influence over her, only to find that her friend Maya is less receptive to the news than she had hoped.
big fast lac ment multiple
31st Dec 14
Maya and her friend, Kimmi, get invited to a party when they are approached by a local resident while moving into their new house on fraternity row. Maya isn't so keen on going, feeling her multi-breasted friend will outclass her when it comes to snaring a guy. But there seems to be a young man at the party who can help her with that, if she'll only ask. And what's this he's saying about this day having already happened before, but turning out different? Something about people having changed...
ag fast hg huge lac ment multiple preg weird
5th Feb 15
The reality changing program is back in the hands of its rightful owner, and Jake has been punished for his impudence. But Catherine's program develops an unexpected 'glitch' as a result of the previous mayhem, causing widespread transformations and an unexpected emergent property.
cb fast huge ment weird