The Definitive BE Story Archive

The Overflowing Bra

7th Aug 23
Elsie insulting a full-figured girl on social media brings consequences that neither she nor her boyfriend may be ready to deal with.
ag cb fa fast huge lac magic mpg nc
19th Dec 22
Rebecca shows up for a modeling gig expecting to spend a couple hours in a bridal dress and an unusually high modeling fee. What she gets may be considerably more than she expected.
fa huge instant nc rc
19th Jul 21
Penny plans to give her husband a big surprise on Valentine's Day, but it soon turns out to be a much bigger one than she was expecting.
bg ag big cb fa fast lac magic
2nd Nov 20
Huge, horny, and on vacation with nothing better to do that eat, drink and have sex, Joanna is in heaven. She's pretty sure that Reyna's long gone now, so she won't need to worry about her mysterious and eager-to-please visitor pumping her up so full that Joanna might actually be in danger of exploding.
ag cb chem fa fast huge mpg nc
6th Oct 20
Desperate to avoid a lifetime of debilitating voluptuousness and tantalizing lustful, Joanna hatches a plan to turn Reyna's own appetite's against her before she has the chance to make Joanna even more distressingly fulsome than she already is.
ag cb fa fast huge magic nc
8th Jan 20
Already more buxom than she ever imagined, Joanna realizes that her house-guest's generosity is boundless, and if something doesn't change fast, her own measurements will be too!
ag fa fast huge magic nc asleep
14th Sep 19
Short on money and looking to rent out her spare room, Joanna soon discovers being a landlady can be more rewarding than she ever expected.
bg ag big cb fast magic
26th Jul 19
In town for the day, Kelli is hungry for something from the Muffin Top, while Mara has an insatiable appetite for something that's likely to get both of them in trouble.
ag cb chem fa fast huge lac mpg nc
17th Feb 19
Desperate for sex, Kelli's insatiable desire threatens to leave her more voluptuous than even she is willing to become.
ag cb fa fast huge lac magic mpg
24th Nov 18
When Kelli is offered the chance to become every bit as buxom as she desires to grow, all in one night, it seems like a dream come true, though Chrissie's generosity may exceed what even Kelli is willing to accept.
ag cb fa fast huge magic mpg
15th Oct 18
Kelli finally gets the chance to visit the Muffin Top the night before she and her husband move out of town. But will one evening be enough for her to be satisfied? And does he have any idea just how big his wife's ambitions are?
bg ag big cb fa fast magic sc
14th Mar 18
After a few months of getting used to navigating work, life and love with a pair of massive, milky breasts, Persephone has never been happier. When she decides to give Elena a little surprise for her birthday though, things for both girls soon become more than either of them is ready for.
ag fa fast huge lac science
21st Oct 17
With Persephone's breasts growing more dangerously overfilled by the minute, she and Elena desperately try to find help before it's too late, racing against time and their own increasingly inescapable desire for each other.
ag fast huge lac science asleep
9th Jul 17
As Persephone's breasts become dangerously overfilled with milk and growing bigger every night, she and Elena race to find the one woman who may be able to help her, while in the meanwhile they struggle just to make sure her breasts don't explode before they can track her down.
ag huge lac science slow asleep
31st Mar 17
Persephone awakens to find that she finally has the spectacular bustline that she's been longing for, and needing to milk herself now doesn't seem like too much of a price to pay, but how much bigger will she get before her breasts become bigger than even she desires? And what is her returning housemate, Elena, going to think of her steadily-ballooning boobs?
cb huge lac offstage science slow asleep
18th Feb 17
As much as she enjoys waking up with bigger boobs every day, it's getting harder and harder for Persephone to keep the rest of the library from noticing her swiftly-swelling breasts, and things only get more embarrassing when the lactation serum she's been gorging herself with starts to live up to it's name at the worst possible time.
bg big chem lac offstage slow asleep
17th Jan 17
The serum takes hold of Persephone's body, and her breasts begin to grow, along with her thirst for more.
bg big science slow asleep
21st Dec 16
When Persephone happens upon a recipe that could make her bust every inch as massive as the buxom woman who comes to her library, she can't resist finding out if it really works, no matter how uncomfortable the side-effects might be.
science slow asleep
23rd Oct 16
Elsie turns down a summer job on a berry farm, but she soon finds she might be getting the job whether she wants it or not.
ag cb fast huge magic weird
21st Feb 16
Jenna gets an exercise ball to help improve her figure, but the “improvements” it brings are much bigger than she’s expecting...
ag cb fa fast huge magic
23rd Sep 15
Filling her new plaything with every ounce she can contain, Odessa set about making every woman in her court so tantalizingly luscious that more than a few are bedridden after she has had her way with them, but Odessa soon finds herself strangely tempted to let herself be expanded to such helpless immensity as she can barely endure...
ag fast huge lac magic weird
16th Aug 15
Queen Odessa finds a way to make the women of her realm enormously more pleasing, but the magic being bound to her service may not be quite so submissive as she believes.
fast huge magic nc
19th Jul 15
Finding a girl who can change her shape to suit your every fantasy isn't something that happens every day.
ag fast huge weird
20th May 15
Discovering that just getting around is a challenge at her new size, Chloe still longs for more, and her new plan on how to grow even faster could easy fill her with too much even for her to take.
ag fa fast huge magic
27th Mar 15
In a world where live implant filling shows can make a girl famous, Audrey is determined to make herself the biggest star there is, but even the most gifted performer forgets at her own risk that her fate ultimately lies in the hands of her audience.
cb fast huge science
17th Feb 15
Worried that her large breasts are getting in the way of her love life, Petra goes to a plastic surgeon for a reduction. Before long though, she finds herself talked into an experimental procedure that promises to leave her with an entirely different perspective.
ag cb chem fa fast huge rc science
11th Jan 15
Her breasts already dangerously overinflated, Colette wakes up to find them straining to hold much more, and is desperate to find a way to stop her expansion before it's too late.
ag fast huge instant magic rc sc
31st Jul 14
Inflated to the point where all her fantasies are finally made flesh, and knowing she really ought to stop before she pushes herself too far, Colette discovers that instead wanting to stop as she nears her limits, she finds herself begging for more, even with her breasts stretched dangerously full already.
ag fast huge instant magic
18th Jun 14
ag cb fast huge magic rc
18th Jun 14
When a girl with an inflation fetish finally gets her hands on a air pump that can bring her dreams to life, things get out of control in a hurry.
ag cb fast huge magic rc
26th Apr 14
Amy signs up for a clinical trial where the money seems too good to be true, discovering only too late that someone has a much more ambitious experiment in mind for her. (This is my first real try at a more science-based story, so any feedback on whether it’s actually any good or not would be most appreciated.)
chem fast huge nc sc
7th Dec 13
Searching for a way to keep her husband from looking at more voluptuous women, Diane agrees to be a test subject for a machine that promises to turn her into the woman of his dreams, little knowing that it may be her own fantasies that she ends up fulfilling.
ag cb fa fast huge sc science
30th Sep 13
With Chrissie out for the night with a hot date, Mara discovers that giving into temptation can do wonders for a woman's figure, though trying to stop when she's had too much can be more than she can handle.
ag cb chem fa fast huge magic sc
3rd Jul 13
When Io, a simple girl of the barren Northern steppes, is summoned to the great city of the Goddess, she doesn't know what to expect. There she meets Kymera, a lusty and headstrong young priestess, and learns that she alone may have the power to revive a dying realm, but only if she can help Kymera become the perfect vessel of the Goddess's abundance. (This is the first time I've tried to write a story with more of a fantasy setting to it, so any feedback or criticism on how well I have succeeded or failed at my task would be most appreciated)
ag cb fa fast huge instant lac magic nc rc slow
31st Jan 13
After a couple months at the Muffin Top, Chrissie has never been happier, especially since spending so much time at the bakery is doing wonderful things to her figure. When someone offers to pay her to get as big as she can though, Chrissie may find herself expanding far beyond the limits of her comfort zone.
ag cb fa fast huge magic sc
2nd Dec 12
Thin as a rail, lonely, and unemployed, Chrissie finds herself in desperate need of work. When the owner of a dessert shop known for its excessively voluptuous clientele offers her a position though, Chrissie has to choose just how much she's willing to give up, and how much she's willing to gain to get the job. (I've been doing a lot of series lately, and I thought I'd have a go at doing a single story for a change. Especially since this is something a bit different for me, any feedback would most definitely be appreciated).
ag cb fa fast huge magic
5th Aug 12
Growing larger by the minute, Vicky begins to worry that Victoria is going to keep on filling her up until she's utterly at her mercy. Worse yet, Vicky discovers that being enormous is so much fun that she may not be able to bring herself to stop until it's too late.
ag cb fa fast huge lac magic nc asleep wow
29th Feb 12
Drunk with desire, Vicky sets out make herself as big as she possibly can. With everything around her constantly filling her to even more luscious immensity however, she soon discovers that her problem doesn't lie in trying to get bigger, but in discovering a way to stop before she finds herself inflated beyond even her own insatiable capacity. Also, this story turned out to be a bit longer than I had expected. If anyone thinks it would have been better to break it up into chapters, please do let me know in the feedback; I always appreciate it when people take the time to leave a response.
ag cb fa fast hg huge lac magic rc sc slow wow
13th Oct 11
With the coming of a new day, Vicky begins to explore as her thirst to know more about Victoria grows. The power of the spring behind the house seems to be growing, and before long, Vicky herself is too.
ag cb fa fast hg huge lac magic sc
28th Apr 11
When Vicky unexpectedly inherits the ancestral home of her family, it seems like a bit of a let down at first. As she begins to find out more about her family history though, big things begin to happen, and changes which she had never imagined start to effect her.
ag fast huge magic slow
6th Jan 11
After going to whatever extremes necessary to fill out her new bathing suit, Chloe goes for a walk on the beach and decides that the moon isn't the only thing that ought to be full tonight.
ag cb fa fast huge magic
28th Oct 10
Realizing how ample the opportunities in front of her are, Chloe can't help but overindulge. Soon however, she finds out that a wish fulfilled can become a wish overfilled.
ag cb fa fast huge magic sc
2nd Oct 10
When Chloe suddenly finds herself with a wish to make, she never expects it to actually come true. It doesn't take her long though to realize that the possibilities are enormous.
ag big cb fa fast magic sc
19th Jul 10
With only hours to go before her fiance arrives home, Annie enlists Gina's help to get REALLY big. To her dismay though, she soon finds things to be getting out of hand as she begins to grow larger than she ever intended to, and worse yet, finds that she is enjoying it.
ag fa fast huge lac magic nc rc sc wow
25th Jun 10
Having decided that she is huge enough already, Annie goes to bed, but an unexpected visitor has other plans for her
ag fa fast huge lac magic rc sc
1st Jun 10
Already enormous, and with week left to fill before her beloved returns home, Annie decides that too much is never enough.
ag cb fa fast huge magic
11th May 10
With some magical help from her voluptuous sister, Annie becomes a big girl, bigger in fact than she had ever imagined possible. (I'm still new at this, so feedback is definitely appreciated)
ag cb fa fast huge magic sc
12th Apr 10
Searching for a birthday present for her chubby-loving husband, Gina finds something that will make her everything he desires and then some.
ag cb fa fast huge magic sc