16th Feb 00
Lilith gets her revenge on the scientists who created the nanite plague.
bg huge mpg nc preg science weird
27th Apr 98
An alien presence transforms a man and wife in an attempt to rule the world by turning everyone into a sex monster.
bg aliens ar fa fast ft huge lac ment mg mpg multiple wow
5th Mar 99
Lisa is initiated into an ancient sorority of demonic succubi.
bg big magic mpg
16th Dec 98
Aliens begin to takeover Earth, bonding with humans and transforming them into sexy amalgam creatures.
bg aliens big mpg
29th Aug 18
(This is more of a writing experiment: I randomly chose a list of transformations (there is BE but it’s not the point), their durations and then strung together scenes based on them. So “the story” is rather disjointed.)
Tamara is a college student, a nerdy young woman with thick glasses, no curves to speak of and mostly wearing shapeless clothing. Today she goes to the mall with a new piece of jewelry: an antique ring she found in old unopened letter from her grandmother with promise that it will change her life. This is the Ring of Expectations, it magically tries to project on its wearer qualities over people find most attractive but the ring is not too strong and works somewhat randomly.
bg big fast magic nc rc
8th Sep 18
During excursion to the mall Tamara was transformed by the Ring of Expectation from a nerdy girl into a vampire-looking bombshell and she started a loving relationship with her sports-obsessed friend Amy. Today they decided that Amy should try out the ring too. But its powers are random and unreliable the girls can’t even imagine the degree of that weirdness yet.
(All previous disclaimers still apply.)
bg ag big instant lg magic mg rc
8th Sep 19
Kate really needs this crummy library job. How will the Ring of Expectations help her? And how MUCH will it help? (All previous disclaimers still apply.)
bg ag big fast hg instant magic ment mg nc tg
10th Nov 19
A dissolving state of mind.
bg ag big cb chem fast huge ment nc
25th Aug 22
Fantasy story, Melody is a mage with a special condition, affecting her whenever she casts a spell.
bg big huge instant magic
16th Sep 22
Quick, simple story about a girl's transformation through time.
bg big cb huge offstage slow
1st Oct 22
Fantasy story, Melody is a mage with a special condition, affecting her whenever she casts a spell. I've included the prologue as well, because it's where the story starts.
bg big cb huge instant lg magic sc
18th Jan 23
Story about two sisters going through some changes... The story is written in first person from two POVs
I've been writing it since 2014 and I think it's fair to say my writing got better throughout. This contains the first 30 chapters.
Fair warning, it's 50-50 weight gain-breast expansion story
bg ag big cb fa huge slow
2nd Apr 23
Fantasy story, Melody is a mage with a special condition, affecting her whenever she casts a spell.
bg ag big huge instant magic
23rd Feb 23
Fantasy story, Melody is a mage with a special condition, affecting her whenever she casts a spell.
bg big gts huge instant lg magic
19th Feb 23
Chapter 31 with a link to all chapters
bg ag big cb fa huge slow
11th Mar 23
As the name suggest, the story is written in a form of a diary. The growth is caused by overeating, so fair warning if it's something you don't like.
bg ag big fa huge slow
2nd May 23
Emily is returning home after a year spent studying abroad and finds out things aren't like she expected them to be...
Growth fueled by overeating
bg ag big fa gts huge lg offstage slow asleep
12th Oct 23
Annabeth always stood out like a sore thumb when she was with her family. A very flat-chested thumb. But what if there was something that could change that?
This is more of an introduction with not too much BE present, but hopefully there are enough big boobs to still be enjoyable
big fast huge
9th Aug 24
Twin tales of cum and corruption intertwined. An empress seeks aid in fighting an invasion of slime girls, but does her advisor really want to help her, or just pump her full of his seed? Together, they look for answers in a first-hand account of the invasion's beginning, the journal of a goblin field guide whose revenge plot is sidetracked by her own growing body. What will they find? How big will they get? Stay tuned for part 2!
big huge instant lac offstage preg slow
2nd Jul 05
a man gets a drink from an odd waitress.
fast huge lac magic weird
28th May 07
A female cyclist goes for a bike ride,that will take her on,a life changing, body changing adventure!
ag big fa fast lac lg magic nc preg weird asleep
5th Feb 08
Five girls out to celebrate a friend's birthday. Then Timmy shows up and things get interesting.
big instant lac magic ment nc
25th Jan 12
cb fast wow