The Definitive BE Story Archive

The Overflowing Bra

4th Oct 10
~ is a brief story about two women fighting over the affection of one man during a lavish Halloween Party. The fun begins when the inflatable costume activates... (Please NOTE: This is more an inflation story emphasizing on growth than on breasts). I wrote this for the “Prose that Blows 3- Halloween Contest” Sadly, I couldn’t write a story under 750 words… hurts too much).
fast rc science wow
18th Dec 06
When BE is against the law, only outlaws will have huge breasts.
huge ment offstage sc science slow
22nd Dec 03
Guess what! I'm tired of waiting! I'm gonna post my story! For any who have been pateintly waiting... please enjoy. If anyone cares about my tragic reason please visit the Plume. This story is about two sisters having thier way with Sam, an old outdated Network Admin... Its got a little of everything- plus its ILLUSTRATED! PS I hope the story/pic presentation works.
fa fast huge magic mpg
15th Dec 02
The final chapter and conclusion to this story. Dan struggles back to consciousness only to find...he's chained up. Downloaded story into two formats... Enjoy
bond huge multiple
26th Sep 02
This is a story about a nice young man and a not so sane woman. Dan came back from the Peace Corp a changed man... Robin enjoys his incredible stamina and skill. Yet when she wants to please in an oral way how can he refuse. But he does. What's Dan's terrible secret and once Robin knows will she be able to let go.
big bond magic offstage slow
19th Nov 01
Grace is a girl having trouble in college. Who would of thought a wish as simple as "I wish people would be nice to me." would end up'll see.
big fast huge magic nc slow
14th Feb 00
Going to a fetish club gets Lorie involved in an exciting situation.
bg fa fast nc science wow
13th Jun 99
A fortuneteller woman casts a spell on two women: when their men think of them, their busts will grow.
bg fa fast magic wow
29th Oct 98
Saddled with a gypsy curse, a young man makes women grow bigger breasts.
bg fa fast magic slow wow
23rd Feb 98
A teenage girl's class project to discover what it's like to be a big-breasted woman reveals a lot.
bg ag huge nc science slow