The Definitive BE Story Archive

The Overflowing Bra

9th Mar 17
This is Part II of what should only be three. I know, I said I'd conclude it, and I was wrong. I'm working on more, and long stories aren't my thing. There is outstretched clothes, not so secret admirers, and a calm before the storm for Bethany. You will not have to wait nearly three years for the conclusion.
ag huge lac magic ment offstage preg slow
9th Mar 17
This time for sure! Bethany learns about her condition, and finds some not-so-secret admirers.
ag cb huge instant magic ment offstage preg slow asleep
26th Feb 17
It's been a while since I wrote my first entry. I'm looking to see if there is still some interest. I cut it off early, so it's less than two pages in. People were asking for more detail, so I'm giving that. If this is well-received, then I'll finish this (hopefully soon) and conclude Bethany's 'little' pregnancy adventure.
ag cb huge lac magic ment offstage preg asleep
30th Dec 13
A new shop opens near Whitmore High. Bethany, a student there, meets her first new friend in awhile and gets more than she bargained for. What do the shopowners have in mind for the unsuspecting girl? This is my first story of this kind, and I know it isn't perfect. Thanks for reading!
ag big cb chem fa fast magic ment preg