The Definitive BE Story Archive

The Overflowing Bra

Ten Story Party Pack
A selected assortment of ten of my stories, written over the past five or so years, not previously available on OFB. Stories included: Adding Pounds to Peaches, Cake for Her Birthday, Growing Intelligence, Milk from the Tap, No More Fruit (a collab with chambersuit), So Much for Squats, The Breast Gummy Bet, The Laundromat, Three Short Expansion Stories, and When Science Goes Wrong (a collab with expansionprocess). All BE and AE focused and in PDF format. Enjoy!
Average Scores:

Overall= 4, BE= 4, Characters= 4, Technical= 4
Overall its pretty decent, but its not very varied in the style and type of growth, and it gets a bit big for my taste.
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 4, Technical= 5
No more fruit has always been one of my favorite BE stories. So I'm happy to see it on here.
Please give the authors feedback, I can not emphasize enough how important it is to them.
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Overall Enjoyment(How much did you like the story overall?)
1 2 3 4 5

BE Description (Detail, quantity, quality)
1 2 3 4 5

Characters (Descriptions, likeability)
1 2 3 4 5

Technical Quality (Writing style, grammar, etc.)
1 2 3 4 5

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