The Definitive BE Story Archive

The Overflowing Bra

The "Cure"
After a horrific car crash, Jenny finds herself mysteriously wasting away, until doctors find a "cure".  This cure comes with a few side effects though.  

This is my first BE story, or story of any kind.  I have been thinking about doing this for years, but only actually started a few weeks ago on a whim, and it sort of took on a life of it's own.  It is over 56,000 words, and the real action happens towards the end so I won't blame anyone for skipping the boring parts.  The story focuses on somewhat realistic growth, at least by the standards of the genre, as I have just never been able to embrace magic etc.  

I was inspired by many classics, but notable influences include Addicted and Volunteers by Mr B., Positive Feedback by Athiop, Correspondence and The Offseason Nudist by Oxomox and/or Tex T, Janet's Milk by Anonymous, and the story that got me into the genre, My Best Friend Julie by Byrne.

Any and all feedback is welcome, and I'm sure my punctuation needs a lot of work. I just hope at least one person enjoys this.  :)  
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