When 16 year old Asian high school girl Jasmine's short younger sister is given growth hormone by her parents while being told they are vitamins, Jasmine also takes them. When she finds out what they are, she realizes she enjoys the side effects.
Great story! Only improvement might be more detailed descriptions.
Will there ever be a sequel?!? Loved this story!
Plz, keep going, plz.
I swear I have read this story every month since its release. Mike Hawk if you read this you are the man and a fine word smith. If I could pay you for what you do I totally would. Keep on keepin on, brotha man
Please write more!!
Great - please continue it!
awesome story. please include more height growth in the next chapters i want all of the girls to get much taller! keep it up!
Excellent... Can't wait for more!
Good work! Please write another chapter!
Great story, it really had nice pacing throughout, good character development and detail. Not too worried by the little sister thing, in fact, I enjoyed her as a character and would like to see more BE with her. Great job overall.
I'm with everyone else (majority?) in that the very young age is a little disturbing to be having sex with the teacher. If you just change the numbers though it works out wonderfully. Can't wait for part 2 :-).
Excellent! I'm looking forward to the next part!
Fantastic work! I'm eagerly looking forward to the next chapter!
Really good. Interesting characters, believable progression, really nice growth, and well written. Would that there were more stories out there of this quality. Thanks so much, Mike.
Nice Story. Love the ones which tend to feel "real".
Nicely done, this was definitely worth the wait. I'm with the others as far as the 12 year old thing though.
it was a very good story, can't wait for part 2
I'm going with Buzz on this. Honestly, I'm fine with the sex, but everyone else is kinda weirded out. *shrug.* but we have to hear more about the BE in Jess, too! Otherwise, this is an excellent story!
This is the best story I've read on OFB in a long while. I thought the BE could have been done a bit better. While there is frequent mention of growing there isn't a lot of clear descriptions of how big they are until near the end.
This reminds me of my story Miracle Pills, except this is much better. Great job, can't wait for part 2.
I loved the youngest sister plot... without the sex of course. Would love to see her chest grow alot more though!
9/22/11 I cannot wait for a part 2. I can also relate to Roid's comment about the sex with minors thing going on between Mr. Carlson and Jess. If she were maybe 16 or 17 It wouldn't be as big a issue for me, but 12?? I love how you both revealed the cause of the BE and yet are keeping some details or side effects a mystery, brilliant!! In conclusion, the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do right now is KEEP WRITING more "Jazz" chapters!!!!
This is a pretty hot story; very well written and reasonably plausible, both scientifically and how others react.
Not keen on the younger sister sub-plot; certainly prefer keeping everyone over the age of consent.
Loved it! Can't wait for part II
The shiznit! Keep it comin!