A short story about a trans woman and her girlfriend who undergo a drug trial and find themselves turning into busty, lactating women.
Average Scores:
- Overall: 3.67
- BE: 3.00
- Characters: 3.33
- Technical: 3.33
Overall= 5, BE= 3, Characters= 4, Technical= 4
I really enjoyed the story, please keep writing! As Mentha mentioned the breast growth needed to be there a bit more than what was actually delivered and the same for the descriptive nature of size use everyday things that the reader can relate to, which you did pretty well with the as large as her head or larger than. Rather than beach balls use dinner plates, or as wide as a couch cushion, things like that.
I loved the readability of the story, the flow was very conversational in nature and I didn't have to struggle with phases.
Thank you for writing and submitting it here for us to read!
Overall= 1, BE= 1, Characters= 1, Technical= 1
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Giving all fives to help balance out that single blatant transphobic review there. You kmow. The one with the reference for a name.
As for that one guy look, If it has the word trans in the description, and you don't like trans people, maybe don't click it, and let other people enjoy what they enjoy. I don't go giving bad reviews on multiboob stories just cause they have multiboob, you don't have to come here and signal your displeasure either.
As for an actual review, I would have liked even more emphasis on the breasts thats why I'm here looking for stories.
Also, the use of cup size for size reference is actually not useful for communicating actual size, particularly since unless there was some kind of upheaval since i last paid attention most manufacturers start basically doing whatever they want after h cups or so.
Please give the authors feedback, I can not emphasize enough how important it is to them.
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