A new acquisition at the museum has some strange effects on the guests.
No problem reading it, very descriptive. I enjoyed the story too, though the point at which the TG happened was left a little ambiguous.
I personally thought this was a great story and I hope to see more of your work in the future.
As for you guys complaining about notepad, just open the txt file in a browser!
The story itself is good. I will agree with the other reviewer that a notepad file is not the best method for uploading. I know I had to copy and paste it over to word to read it. Also, it was difficult to follow some of the characters in the beginning. I know there were a couple times where I wasn't sure who exactly was doing what.
All that aside, the actual premise and the story were really enjoyable. There are some good bimboization elements and some decent sex scenes. I hope the authors continue writing and work on some of those issues mentioned because there is some definite potential.
Rather disappointed overall. The formatting is absolutely horrible, I tried it in Jarte and in Word 2010 with moderate luck. After reformatting it, it was still nearly unreadable due to poor punctuation and spacing. I don't want to spend my time formatting your story so that is my review for now. Keep writing, it does get better if you put the effort in.
only wish it were longer with more descriptions of the transformations