So.. this popular guy breaks up with his skinny, flat girlfriend one night in the car because she's not developed enough and he's growing embarrassed by her boyish figure. Before he finishes talking, her boobs start growing like crazy, expanding beneath her ripping shirt and expanding into a delectable fantasy of amazing proportions. He begins backtracking as he realizes that she has become sexier than his wildest dreams.. but alas, she will not have him back and chastises him for breaking her heart. The end. - Overall, a decent premise.. and her expansion is hot... but then you cock-block us. Also, there seems to be no reason behind the expansion or indication of when it will stop or whether it's linked to anything. You gave us large breasts on a silver platter but won't let anybody touch. If you plan on continuing the story and letting something happen.. then give us a teaser before you shut it down.. tell us about her secret crush on her next door neighbor who's always been sweet to her and she knows he has a big boob fetish and she can't wait to jump him.. or something..
Nice. Thanks.
Short but sweet