Janice is kidnapped and her breasts are forced to grow.
Average Scores:
- Overall: 2.29
- BE: 1.86
- Characters: 1.86
- Technical: 3.29
Overall= 2, BE= 1, Characters= 1, Technical= 3
This read more like lab results than as erotic fiction.
Overall= 1, BE= 1, Characters= 1, Technical= 2
This story reminds me of top ramen. Good when you have nothing else or as filler food.
It could be better. It needs some real content,better descriptions, instead of the same "Go to bed, wake up with breasts (x) inches bigger". Maybe more character development... just something more than it has now.
No YOUR Nickname
Overall= 2, BE= 1, Characters= 1, Technical= 3
This seemed like a great outline for a story, you just need to meat and potatoes it a bit more.
Overall= 2, BE= 1, Characters= 2, Technical= 3
Let be quote a Japanese euphemism here: "yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi." Roughly translated: "no climax, no resolution, no meaning." There's no *point* here! It's not even all that useful as stroke material because the descriptions are so sparse. So I don't get it.
Very Free
Overall= 3, BE= 3, Characters= 2, Technical= 4
It sort of just doesn't have a reason. Was it just a dream?
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 4, Technical= 5
great story. just a little bit wordy, but that was required to add length.
Overall= 1, BE= 1, Characters= 2, Technical= 3
I didn't really like it, she just woke up every morning and you said how much bigger they were, there was no description, she never got to see it happen. No plot development, I thought it was pretty dry reading.
Please give the authors feedback, I can not emphasize enough how important it is to them.
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