The continuing tale of Amy and Brynn and the changes they go through.
Excellent story...I can't wait (but must) for the next chapter!
Very nice story overall; one of the series I'm looking forward to seeing more of the most. Technical quality pleased me greatly, as I'm something of a stickler for proper grammar/spelling errors and nothing breaks me out of a story quicker.
Chapters are a little bit shorter than I'd like, but that's probably also a part of my being used to "normal" writing where overall lengths tend to be a lot longer. Didn't feel like you were arbitrarily cutting it off at a random point where you just happened to get tired of writing, so no problems there.
The flashback/references to "subject three" or whatever felt a little bit forced, not so much as in the last two chapters, but still somewhat. Perhaps a bit too obvious of a "oh noes teh big sec-rat!" subplot for my tastes.
Character interplay is one part that's bothered me a little- it can't seem to decide whether it's a story about just Brynn and Amy with some other people watching or about the whole group with B&A as the focus; you might want to think a bit on just who/what you want the story to be about and focus it appropriately.
The BE does seem to be something of a sideline as well, since there's very little actual growth shown outside of Amy's initial "spurt," so to speak. Now, I'm not _complaining_, because the rest of the stuff is hot as hell, just pointing that out 'cause of where this is posted, etc.
Very nice work overall and looking forward to seeing more of this in the future.
great story keep it coming
Dickgirl? FUCK YEA
Self sucking? FUCK YEA
Big nipples? FUCK YEA
This is the best one yet and I cant wait for the next one.
These are some of the best stories in a long time. Keep up the good work! I only hope you take your time describing Brynn's breast growth. Don't blow our wad all at once!