A high school student gets a strange invitation and uses it to reconcile with his ex.
Overall your writing style is pretty good. The metal bits kinda threw me, but I should have known, since you have it flagged for weird. Neat premise, and shows promise. Hope you write more (though you may not since this is already over 2 yrs old).
I enjoyed it. Please continue it.
Well written, but the story getting cut off wasn't too happy stuff. Hope you post the rest soon.
Well written, awesome premise. I am interested in seeing what happens next! Write another, and another, and another...
i grew bored of the story quite quickly
Need to post the rest. I liked it very much
Good start. Need to pick better stop points. Very interesting idea, I would like to see more. Really curious where you are going with it.
What harm could it do?
The guy injects himself with a mysterious stuff?
Just like that?
Funny.More later,
A few gramma/ spelling mistakes didn't help much and it was written at a very slow place even the spontanoiu sex at the end, needs some work.
I liked the characters and the transformation scene, tho would have liked a longer, more central one. Hope there is more to come.
You said this was based off of the "Metaled Sharon" Thread on the unending BE Adventure, which episode was that? Otherwise this is awesome! Write the next part!
the last ep is 337315, just use the "chain from"
utility in the index