The Definitive BE Story Archive

The Overflowing Bra

Plato Voltaire
Wooster Rewooted
After 400 years in suspended animation a 21st Century artist and his wife awaken to find themselves not only on another planet but in the company of the busty ladies of the New Darwin Police Department. Can the righteous(ly endowed) Lynnae, June and their friends protect the couple from the diabolical Mr. Big? Read to find out in Plato's 47th story!
Average Scores:

Overall= 4, BE= 4, Characters= 4, Technical= 5

It's only in these stories of Plato Voltaire's that a character like "Mr. Big" could exist, along with super-busty policewomen! If you're looking for porn, this isn't it. If you're looking for well-written sci-fi in a believable world, once again Mr. Voltaire provides! He hasn't lost his touch at all.

If I haven't given it top ratings across the board, perhaps it's just because I've read every single one of his stories and the characters are getting all too familiar. While I do know the benefits of working with a regular cast, maybe, just maybe, it's time to introduce a new regular character?

Be that as it may, I still look forward to his next story.

Please give the authors feedback, I can not emphasize enough how important it is to them.
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Overall Enjoyment(How much did you like the story overall?)
1 2 3 4 5

BE Description (Detail, quantity, quality)
1 2 3 4 5

Characters (Descriptions, likeability)
1 2 3 4 5

Technical Quality (Writing style, grammar, etc.)
1 2 3 4 5

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