The Definitive BE Story Archive

The Overflowing Bra

28th Aug 23
A lot of guys have slept with the girl next door. Even more have slept with a cheerleader. Not many have sampled both and remained in a happy relationship, but you have. In fact, while there are fantasies abound of sleeping with celebrities, you've done that too. You've done it all since you started dating Michelle, and you haven't cheated on her once. You have as many stories as there are nights in a year. This is one of them.
ag big cb chem fast lac nc science weird
28th Aug 23
Kelly discovers her breasts attempting to grow, and whenever she prevents the growth, the rest of her body does instead. She decides to record her transformation and enjoy the process.
big cb fast hg magic
28th Aug 23
Kelly finds her friend Morgan, and they discover that whatever happened to Kelly is contagious. Morgan doesn't get it at first, but soon catches on and enjoys the improvements just as much as Kelly did.
big cb fast hg lg magic
28th Aug 23
Samantha is cornered by her friends Morgan and Kelly who impose their newfound contagion upon her. She has no interest in becoming a "hot girl" and resolves to resist whatever is causing this. Will she succeed?
big cb fast hg lg magic nc
28th Aug 23
A modest, rather unremarkable princess finds a long-forgotten tiara in preparation to celebrate her betrothal, not knowing the curse bestowed upon it.
big cb fast hg lg magic ment nc
28th Aug 23
A bored tourist and an equally bored girl named Isobel accidentally find a necklace hidden away that is cursed to transform the wearer. Isobel must resist the curse or risk becoming a dragon herself- but the curse first targets a part of her body that she does happen to wish was bigger...
big cb fast gts hg lg magic ment mg nc weird
25th Aug 23
A lot of guys have slept with the girl next door. Even more have slept with a cheerleader. Not many have sampled both and remained in a happy relationship, but you have. In fact, while there are fantasies abound of sleeping with celebrities, you've done that too. You've done it all since you started dating Michelle, and you haven't cheated on her once. You have as many stories as there are nights in a year. This is one of them. --NOTE: Part 1 is under my old author name "Mr. Gorpthorp"--
big cb fast hg lg magic ment mg nc
4th Aug 21
Kelly has a lot going for her after graduating high school- but she'd like a little more. Digression from the Shapeshifter Girlfriend series, done more as a workshop for myself but ended up being a whole story.
bg big cb fast hg lg magic