The Definitive BE Story Archive

The Overflowing Bra

Growing Pains I - Milky Beginning
A young woman with a flat chest finds herself growing larger - and milkier - by the day as she struggles with day-to-day life and the consequences of her condition.
Average Scores:

Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 4
I am not a Tranny. Normal older male who is totally fixated on breasts, so I grew my own and by taking Motillium, was able to drink my very own milk as my ex thought it was nasty. It is how you describe, just not the volume, about 10mlday. I totally relate to your story! Thank you.
Paul Cullen
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Absolutely loved this story. I cannot wait to read more. 
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Very, very good! Only demurrer  personally I don't get the attraction of the girl drinking her own milk, but terrific story 
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Really loved this one and I hope you put them out fast!
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
my only critique is that there isn't any more to read!

looking forward to the next chapter!
Overall= 5, BE= 4, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Amazing! Can't wait for the next instalment. Hopefully very soon!
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 3, Technical= 5
Simply brilliant, the drawnout growth is great, and I'm looking forward to more!
Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 4, Technical= 5
Absolutely fantastic.  I LOVE the drawn out description of slow growth, and the teasing that she's going to go big.  I cannot wait to see what's in store for this young lady.
Please give the authors feedback, I can not emphasize enough how important it is to them.
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Overall Enjoyment(How much did you like the story overall?)
1 2 3 4 5

BE Description (Detail, quantity, quality)
1 2 3 4 5

Characters (Descriptions, likeability)
1 2 3 4 5

Technical Quality (Writing style, grammar, etc.)
1 2 3 4 5

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