The Definitive BE Story Archive

The Overflowing Bra

The Light Fantastic
Taken Prisoner
A young, inexperienced adventurer is captured by a kinky sorceress and turned into the perfect sex slave.
Average Scores:

Overall= 5, BE= 5, Characters= 5, Technical= 5
Hot!  Hope you finish this.
Overall= 3, BE= 3, Characters= 3, Technical= 4

Nice story! I thought the size descriptions were a little inconsistent, though. Also, I would liked to have read more about the girl's reactions to her transformation. My personal preference is to have slightly slower growth, but in this context it worked perfectly.

Overall= 4, BE= 2, Characters= 5, Technical= 5

Very vivid. I liked the concept, and I liked the characters- IMHO, you are pretty close to the balance between character development and fapping material. The non-consensual aspect and lack of actual BE (as opposed to the entire transformation) kept the rating low, but that's just a matter of taste for me- I didn't think that I was going to like the story at all, but hey, who knew?

When the next chapter comes out, I'll read it for sure. Keep writing! :)

Overall= 4, BE= 4, Characters= 3, Technical= 3

This is a fairly solid entry in what is hopefully a multiple-chapter story. The ending was anticlimactic, leaving something to be desired, but if more chapters are to come, that is a good thing. The characters seemed a little cookie-cutter, but not necessarily in a detracting way.

The formatting made for a somewhat awkward read. You started out fine, but once dialogue was introduced, it got hard to follow. I offer the timeless Dialogue Rule of Thumb: when changing speakers, start a new paragraph, complete with indent. And it wouldn't hurt to make the line breaks that *are* in there at least 1.5-spaced if not double-spaced, especially considering the font you used.

The formatting issues are minor points. Don't think I'm slamming you - I'm merely offering constructive criticism because I wish to enjoy more the chapters that will follow.

Please give the authors feedback, I can not emphasize enough how important it is to them.
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Rate this story from 1-5 stars (5 stars is best) in the following categories:

Overall Enjoyment(How much did you like the story overall?)
1 2 3 4 5

BE Description (Detail, quantity, quality)
1 2 3 4 5

Characters (Descriptions, likeability)
1 2 3 4 5

Technical Quality (Writing style, grammar, etc.)
1 2 3 4 5

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