The Definitive BE Story Archive

The Overflowing Bra

Ok, so you're trying to use the advanced search page and you're not getting any results back. Lets see if we can teach you how to use the page...

The Y column is for story codes a story must have. The N column is for story codes a story must not have. The unmarked column means you don't care.

What you're doing is filtering all the stories from the main list. Choose Y for the "Slow Growth" row, and the system will filter out everything that doesn't have the "Slow growth" story code.

Choose Y for all three, and the system will filter out everything that doesn't have all three story codes.

Get it?

Ok, lets say you wanted to list all stories that had Magical, Chemical or Science in them. What do you do? You leave all three marked in the "I don't care" column. If you mark them all Y then you'll be searching for stories that only have all three: Magic, Chemical, and Science. There are no stories that have all three, so right there you've filtered out all of the stories on the archive.

To sum, don't fill in all the options with Y or N, just mark what the stories must have with Y, and what they must not have with N, and leave all the rest on the default setting.